Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Unplanned Trip

as soon as she dumped him, he was calling an ex.
of course, the ex said: sure, i'll be here.

they fucked the stars out of the sky.

and then he started crying.
and she felt disgusted and pissed.
she had fcuked the same idiot again
she swallowed
once again with the same idiot

as he sobbed, she left the room and walked towards the kitchen.
the sobs got louder.
she looked at her vagina and said i'm sorry
the sobs turned into hiccups

the hiccups became a mute groan
like the one that might escape from your lungs, throat, mouth
when a Ginsu 2500 goes right through you. from the back to the chest.

Never call me again, I will be in Shanghai.

me, a song?

here it goes motherfuckers,
someone shoved a banjo up my ass
and now
everytime i fart bluegrass fills the air

liked that? here's some more of that kinda sore

got so drunk a couple a years ago i forgot to shower
for 5 months straight in a row
never got fired, just looked and sniffed upon and then fed IAMS.
stray dogs in India might have a chance in LA

more? please say no!

right, o'right, here I go

had a couple of bucks in my pocket a very long time ago
spare change
felt like thousands to my blind fingers
so decided to go to a tittie bar
got kicked out of the goddamned place
apparently you are not supposed to throw nickels dimes or quarters to the QUEENS.
it's for their laundry, I said as an open hand got me right in the left corner of my mouth,
KO'ing me right into next week's sunday.

shall I keep going?
just sing it


she wrapped jazz around her body

rented a room for blues on the back-alley of her tongue

musica she yelled as plates and cups flew through the air

i found refuge behind a sonata sofa

that her mother gave her ex-husband

now I know why the guy left.


honey, I do not have it in me, with me, within me... on me, under me.

Maybe above me.

A vase swooshes and crashes against the wall.

Crawling to safety I found the rocking chair we bought at the Salvation Army when we were dating and slid underneath.


baby, I might as well give it a try...


dejame encerrar en esta caja toda la oscuridad
tu oscuridad, la mia, la de tu perro y la de mi vecina, la stripper.

permiteme depositar en ella todas las lagrimas
las del presidente, las de tu mama cuando quedo viuda, las mias, las de mi vecina, la stripper.

en esta caja dejame meter todas tus caras
la triste, la de empute, la feliz, la del orgasmo real, la del fingido, la de borracha, la de santa.

en ella guardare el poste donde se desliza mi vecina la stripper, tres periodicos anunciando la muerte de tres diferentes personas, el nacimiento de tres exactos y la extincion de un pajaro.

en ella metere todos mis insultos hacia ti, los que te dije de borracho, los de ardido, los de celoso, los de imbecil y los de cobarde.

cubiertos con celofan azul.

en esta caja guardare el cadaver de un hamster y lo que quedo del bonsai despues de aquel pequeño incendio.

la caja pesa lo que pesa un gemido, lo que pesa una gota de semen, lo que pesa un alivio.

sin avisarte tambien meti en ella dos payasos. buena suerte con ese par. ten a mano el numero de la policia.

esa caja la he dejado con tu hermano menor sabiendo que el pendejo muere por GI Joe. Me dijo que no era su cumpleaños todavia.
Si lo es, hoy lo es, le conteste.

Por favor, vuelve.

Monday, July 26, 2010

the feelgood tree

come with me sweetheart
take my hand,
don't close your eyes
I know it's dark outside
i know the way
just don't let go,

our hearts will play the blind
your words will be my cane
my eyes will be the light

as we brush against the leaves
and dew slides onto our skin
i swallow all the darkness
that terrifies your mind
the pace will be steady
reach out your hand and feel
the feelgood tree